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  • 表示(-2^53-1~2^53-1)之间的数据
// 大整形
let n = 100n;
console.log(typeof n); // bigint
console.log(n); // n

// 函数
let n1 = 123;
console.log(BigInt(n1)); // 123n
// console.log(BigInt(1.2)); // Error; The number 1.2 cannot be converted to a BigInt because it is not an integer

// 大数值运算
let max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
console.log(max); //9007199254740991
console.log(max + 1); //9007199254740992
console.log(max + 2); //9007199254740992  // 这个计算就不对了

console.log(BigInt(max)); //9007199254740991n
// console.log(BigInt(max) + 1); // Error; Cannot mix BigInt and other types, use explicit conversions
console.log(BigInt(max) + BigInt(1)); //9007199254740992n

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